AI Skills Intelligence

ProFinda’s AI Skills intelligence enables organizations to understand, map and deploy skills operationally, to drive productivity across the business

ProFinda uniquely uses the world’s most powerful and sophisticated skills ontology

Boasting 98%+ skills coverage, it is unrivalled in speed, accuracy and operational value

What are the typical challenges with skills?

The great hunt for skills data

Skills data is usually scattered across systems, without a common language. In that format, skills are not an operationally useful construct.

ProFinda’s skills intelligence is here to help!

One of the most ambitious undertakings of its kind, ProFinda’s skills intelligence is built on billions of data points and is constantly evolving with the changing world of work. At the heart of the skills intelligence, a skills ontology and career graph model the universe of occupations, roles, capabilities, skills and how everything varies by time, industry and geography

ProFinda builds skills intelligence you can use

Profinda aggregates data from multiple sources; creates a skills lingua franca, and enriches and organises the data into a skills profile for every employee

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Poor Skills Data

Skills Scarcity
3 -10 Skills average
Developer, Ninja programmer, coder
Brexit, thorium, social media, ether

Better Skills Data

30-50 skills on average
Dynamic Learning

Skills intelligence is the solution

Aggregate all skills together in a single place.

Build Skills lingua franca. Connections and proximity between skills. Enrich skills and enhance.

Organize and categorise into meaningful groups used to make supply & demand consistent

What are the benefits of this approach?

What our clients say

An Interview with… Andrea Davis

Resource Management Leader, Baker Tilly

What role does resourcing play in your business?
When I started in Resource Management over 10 years ago it was part of the HR/Talent realm. But as the skillset has evolved, it is now the bridge between human resources and business operations. We’re like the ‘Amazon Delivery’ of people. They have logistics chains and can get you your package overnight. We have to deliver the same kind of efficient service, but identifying skilled people for client projects, which is much more complex. You have people’s careers, skill sets, certifications, and their personal preferences to consider - there is a lot at play.

So we’re in a role that really bridges the people aspect with the logistical business operations aspect. There are so many factors that come into play, to place the right person in the right role at the right time, so the role of resourcing is to bridge the gap between what people want to do in their career, and what the business needs to deliver for its clients.
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Has this role changed over recent years? How so?
The biggest change for me has been partnering much more closely with learning, for upskilling and reskilling initiatives. There’s a big focus on being a skills-based organization rather than a role-based organization. And there’s a much bigger focus on re-skilling people who may have skills that will become obsolete - broadening the horizon of resource management to really focus on that future workforce planning aspect, as opposed to just tactical matching of people to roles.
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What role can resourcing play in building a great employee experience?
I always stress the importance of this. Resourcing decisions affect people’s careers in a big way. Resourcing has a direct and tangible impact on people’s employee experience. So it needs to be done very thoughtfully. For example, is someone ready to stretch and develop in a new area, or do they want to focus on their core capability?

We have to tailor each person’s project journey through the organization. And a good resourcing strategy allows you to tailor to people’s needs. Those needs are not static - they change over time - so adapting to people’s developing interests and needs is really important too.
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What role does resourcing play in Mergers & Acquisitions?
It goes back again to the employee experience. Bringing new people into a larger firm, understanding what is important to them, explaining how operate as a firm, getting people excited for their new project opportunities, and bringing new teams together seamlessly.
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What lessons learned & best practice can you share in terms of implementation?
One of the things I was charged with when I joined Baker Tilly was getting a handle on skills. So, 'What do our people do, what do they wanna do? Where do their interests lie? How does that tie to certifications? How does it align to our clients/industries as a firm'? We really wanted to get a handle on that. So we went with ProFinda for the flexibility it offered to cover those areas, and especially the ontology for skills.

We really leaned on the ontology to build a view of skills across the firm and captured any Baker Tilly specific skills as well. Being able to implement quickly, in an intuitive way across the firm, was also super important, and we were able to do that with ProFinda.
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What role does change management play in embedding new resourcing processes?
Change management is critical for a positive implementation and strong adoption numbers. The communication is so important. If you’re going to implement any type of new resourcing process, skills process, or tool, you need a strong communication plan. Everyone needs to know the testing dates, the go-live dates, to understand the journey, and the communication needs to be tailored to different audiences.

We partnered with ProFinda to make sure our change management plan was delivered successfully and we didn’t hit any roadblocks.
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How can using tools like ProFinda elevate the role of resourcing?
The most important way it can support is to automate as much as possible. That can scare people a little bit, but really it shouldn’t, because it enables elevation of the role. It means that resource managers aren’t spending so much time digging through data - instead they have real-time data to make quick decisions, so more time can be allocated to strategy, and to having meaningful conversations with the employees they support.

Tools like ProFinda mean we can get out of excel and into the business, to make a bigger impact.
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What does this mean in practice for your organization?

Being able to operate at a much more granular level of skills – what we call “atomic skills”, allows far more effective resourcing. This means understanding skills at a project level, rather than a job level. With the ability to search and match atomic skills globally, the global operating model becomes far more fluid & dynamic. People are able to develop the right skills at the right time, get matched to projects rapidly, and the basis of a skills-driven organization is formed. Becoming skills-driven means higher utilization, lower attrition, and the ability to intelligently deploy the workforce, at scale.

Build a skills-based organization, with atomic skills data powering project delivery

Managing demands at the Atomic level of skills (e.g. Java), with a focus on functional deployment and projects. Baseline to inform HR & agile SWP.

Accurate view of skills you have based on what you do vs. what you were hired to do. Automated based on project data feedback loop within the tool e.g. skills verification / experience / skill gap to project.

Bring together supply & demand skills to set expectations and goals for upskilling / reskilling. Focus on the strategic project need of skills and learning ‘in the flow of work’ vs. HR job ladders.

Skills for projects, not jobs!

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