LACE Partners needed a digital hub to connect their network of Human Resources consultants based across the globe. They had to resource the right consultants onto the right projects based on their areas of expertise, skills, and previous client experience.
The solution
Every consultant at LACE Partners was invited to create profiles on ProFinda. These included their skills and previous experience. The Machine Learning Algorithms developed by ProFinda then matched each consultant with potential projects, whilst also suggesting new skills for them to add to their profiles from a taxonomy of over 30,000 terms. This ensured that all profiles were updated regularly. Members of the senior management team at LACE Partners could then search and resource specific consultants, ranked most relevant for a particular project or client.
The results
Using ProFinda, LACE Partners can now locate the right consultants with the right skills and experience from their internal network, for the right tasks or client projects. As a result of this new workflow, the community is now constantly engaged on projects that suit their experience, ensuring they are always maximising their potential.
We also interviewed LACE Partners directly, watch the video below: